1. Introduction to Lingual Orthodontics

     1. The differences between lingual and labial orthodontic treatments 7

     2. The developmental process of lingual orthodontic treatment 11

     3. The advantages of lingual orthodontic treatment 13


2. Why IncognitoTM?

     1. History of the IncognitoTM Appliance System 17

     2. Bracket configuration and characteristics 18

     3. Wire specifications and selections 22

     4. Technological advantages of the IncognitoTM Appliance System 23


3. Procedures for the IncognitoTM Appliance System

     1. Impression using polyvinyl siloxane 29

     2. Order form: Treatment Management Portal 33

     3. Setup check 40

     4. Bonding procedure 52

4. Basic techniques of the IncognitoTM System

     1. Wire engagement 71

     2. Special elastics and chains 76

     3. Creating space 82

     4. Space closure 82

     5. Subsidiary equipments 86


5. Clinical Cases

     1. Non-Extraction Therapy 91

     2. Extraction Therapy 147

     3. Orthognathic Surgery 211


6. Clinical tips

     1. Bite opening during treatment 228

     2. Open bite formed during crossbite correction 228

     3. Clinical tips for using rectangular wires 228

     4. Clinical tips for selecting the third wire 228

     5. Third order control 229

     6. Opening and closing space 229

     7. Unerupted teeth 229

     8. Angulation problems 229

     9. Finishing bend tips 230


7. IncognitoTM Lite Appliance System

     1. Introduction 231

     2. Indication for the IncognitoTM Lite Appliance System 231

     3. Contraindications for the IncognitoTM Lite Appliance System 231

     4. Wire sequence 232